Ok. Ok. I can't lie. I actually kind of like it.*

Why didn't I do this years ago?! This is so much easier. Men have it made. 


I had my second treatment today. It went well. David's mother came down to go with me. We haven't had much time alone together so it was nice to hang out and talk for a while. 

This time, they gave me a white blood cell shot bomb. I don't think I can get on an airplane with this. It's totally from the future. The drug can't be administered until at least 24 hours after chemo. So, to avoid making patients come in 2 days in a row, they stick this little "OnPro" thing on, activate it, and it starts flashing green. About 3 mins after it went on, it beeped and then stuck a needle in my arm with a little tube. The needle retracted, the tube stays. 27 hours later, it will beep again, then inject me with Neulasta for 45 mins. When it's done, the green light stops flashing, and I take it off. So weird. This should keep my counts up so I can skip the hospital stay this time. If not, they'll need to adjust the chemo dosage.  

Reminds me of something that should be in Total Recall.  

Reminds me of something that should be in Total Recall.  

So that's exciting. We came back to the apartment and ate some lunch. Then, I crashed for 3 hours.  

Tomorrow morning, I'm going in to get my port placed (FINALLY). I'll be under general anesthesia for it. Bet you can't wait for pictures of that one! 😁 

What else...oh! In wedding news, we have finalized the catering menu and contract. Good news! There will be food at our wedding. I figured if worse came to worst, I'd just order 20 pizzas, but we got it all worked out. I think this will be better than Dominos. 

I was on the receiving end of SO much love and support and amazing notes and emails these last couple of days especially. Thank you. You guys are awesome and it means the world to me. I was really nervous about starting this blog, throwing up pictures, putting my personal biz on blast, etc. but I've gotten nothing but love in return. So, thank you- from every inch of my heart. 💕 


*...I actually kinda like it...until my eyebrows come out.



Do I need to moisturize my head now?


Save money on shampoo, hair ties, conditioner, texturizing spray, etc.  

Showers just got 10 minutes shorter.  

No longer have to request an extra towel at hotels.  

No more hat hair or static electricity during the winters  


No more finding 20" long hair strands EVERYWHERE.  

Windy day? No ponytail holder? No problem. 

Can't see any stray grays

Can wear turtle necks without dreading up the back of my head.  

David and I have matching heads  



It's cold.  


Week 3: A Big Bump

Honey, I'm hooooome!

They let me out Tuesday night. I should say "us" because my mom stayed in the emergency room with me the whole time and slept in a chair for two nights in a row. I swear I tried to talk her out of it. She wouldn't have it any other way. Starting over: They let US out. I learned a new trick involving q-tips and Vaseline for dealing with the mini nose bleeds. They rescheduled my port placement for next Tuesday. They told me that anyone who comes to visit us at home has to wear a mask to protect me from catching anything new. They checked my vitals. The shot they gave me brought my counts up over 250%. My fever dropped to 100.1, which was low enough for them so they kicked me to the curb, but not before my friend who is a nurse in the same hospital stopped by to say hello before her shift started. I loved seeing a familiar face and talking about not-cancer-stuff. I also love that my mom is getting to meet a lot of my Astoria family. I think (hope?) it puts her more at ease seeing in person how many good people are around me. For instance, my BFBF (Best Friend/Boss Forever) also stopped by to check in on me. She and mom already know each other well (A long time ago, BFBF and I drove down to Sea Isle City, NJ and met my parents there. We all drank and hung out and watched my rockstar sister, LL, play a gig at the O.D. We partied a little more than planned and mom, BFBF, and I ended up sleeping it off at a hotel. We had to make the drive back the next morning hungover and exhausted. Good times AND a great way to get to know someone quickly.) So this time we both got to see a familiar face. I got filled in on all the fun stuff going on at the office. I'll just keep telling you how great my coworkers are and gushing about how lucky I am to work where I do, so I'll move on. I was happy to go home. I'm sure mom was too.

We came home to two nice surprises. 1) containers and containers of good healthy meals and snacks. A mutual friend of David's and mine wanted to help and asked what she could do. I mentioned we could use a meal or two that we could freeze if needed so we'll have something good for us to eat on the nights we're too exhausted to cook. Oh. Em. Gee. We asked the right person. We told her our dietary restrictions and that we'd give her money for groceries. You guys, she made amazing dishes- some for us to share, some individually for each of us, all organic, whole, unprocessed food. There was a whole roasted chicken stuffed with garlic. There were roasted carrots, roasted cauliflower, mashed sweet potatoes, a warm potato & green bean salad with Dijon, a gluten free pasta dish with shallots, olives, tomatoes, & arugula. There was a Brussels sprout, apple, shiitake mushroom dish, and there was turkey chili. Our refrigerator was packed. It was like heaven. She is such a godsend. She's already making things so much easier on David. My mom ended up helping us out the next day by packing everything that was left into smaller portions and freezing a bunch so it will last. 2) a LOT of boxes from Amazon. I spent some time Saturday watching tutorials on YouTube about tying scarves, applying false eyelashes, drawing eyebrows, etc., and ordered all the necessary equipment. It all arrived while I was laid up. Later, my mom, my S.P.O.N.S.O.R. (Spiritual Person Of No Specific Organized Religion), and I sat on my living room floor- all wearing blue surgical masks- and went through all the boxes. It was so awesome getting the woman who gave me life and the woman who saved my life (She'd say it was God, not her, and while I believe that's true, she definitely was a big part of the process) in the same room together (finally). They, of course, totally got along and we had a blast at my "cancer shower." My mom coined that one because I sat there while they handed me boxes and watched me open them. Ha!

I needed some things from CVS, so my mom and I went together. She wanted me to stay in and rest, but I thought moving a little might be good for me. The booster shot they gave me affects the bones because white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. Because of that my hips are pretty sore. Being in bed inside for 3 days straight probably didn't help either. Walking a couple of blocks outside in fresh air seemed like a good idea. I forgot after insisting to go, that I have to wear that stupid mask if I go out in public too. It was an ordeal for me. I was so self-conscious. My mother wore one too, either in solidarity or so she wouldn't get sick and be unable to help take care of me, or both. But whatever her reason, I was grateful for it. I don't think I would have worn it without her. I had a mantra running through my head the whole time: A cold put you in the hospital for 2 days. Imagine what the flu will do.

And THEN, my hair started coming out. It's not quite time for a full head shave (soon, though), but it was too long to manage so we chopped it. We put it in a braid and cut above it so I can donate it. I'm going with Children With Hairloss. They're non-profit and do not charge for their wigs. If you want to help my hair along on its way to becoming a wig, please make a monetary donation too! Here are some before and after shots:

I hope it'll be perfect for some mini-brunette out there who needs it. It's over 14" - about 12" braided. There's no gray in it and it was 100% my natural color. In February of 2013, I bleached it this terrible brassy blonde color. I spent the last …

I hope it'll be perfect for some mini-brunette out there who needs it. It's over 14" - about 12" braided. There's no gray in it and it was 100% my natural color. In February of 2013, I bleached it this terrible brassy blonde color. I spent the last 3 years growing out that bad decision and sometime toward the end of this past summer, I finally cut off the very last of it. (Lucky me- my hair grows fast!) So this is puuuuuuure hair. 

And here's the new chop job. My mom did it. Before she was a real estate agent, she was a paramedic. But before THAT, she owned a dog grooming & training business for 15 years. She's pretty handy with a pair of scissors. And yes, that means my h…

And here's the new chop job. My mom did it. Before she was a real estate agent, she was a paramedic. But before THAT, she owned a dog grooming & training business for 15 years. She's pretty handy with a pair of scissors. And yes, that means my hair was cut by a dog groomer. 😂

Only a few people have seen it. I haven't left the house since Tuesday's unfortunate CVS excursion. Everything feels like a threat. I don't know what to take seriously and what I can brush off. I don't know what I'm taking too seriously and what I'm not giving enough attention to. I feel like the boy who cried wolf every time something comes up.

I already had another (very small) scare this week. I've had high blood pressure since I was 20. Up until 30, I refused meds, insisting I could bring it down naturally. I could not. Mine seems to be mostly due to genetics. At 30 my doctor explained to me that since I wasn't overweight, and was relatively healthy, my hypertension would not cause a heart attack in me. Unfortunately, a stroke was much more probable, and while it was not likely to kill me, it could cause permanent damage like slurring, drooping, loss of coordination, etc. And I, a just-turned-30-year-old woman on birth control with high blood pressure and a history of smoking moved into that non-life-threatening-stroke-that-could-permanently-disfigure-and-or-debilitate-me category. Checkmate, Doc. I'll take your g-damn medication. So I've been on that for 7 years.

For some reason or another, chemo lowers blood pressure. (Oh wait! I know why. It's because f**k me.) While in the hospital, I was getting low readings. Like 105/60. Medicated, I'm usually around 125/75. So that's pretty low for me. In fact they almost didn't let me leave because Tuesday morning's reading was 92/58, but they let me take a minute and try again so I could pass the 100 mark and go home. They advised me to stop taking my hypertension meds and keep an eye on my numbers. I listened to the first part, but not the latter.

Thursday, I woke up shaking and with a bad headache. I took an OTC sinus congestion pill, stayed in bed all day, sent out a few work emails, and took it easy. By 3:30, the headache let up, but I was still shaking- kinda like a tremor in my hands. I remembered the "keep an eye on my numbers" thing, and also that decongestants raise BP. So I pulled out my electronic cuff and got a reading. It seemed really high so I tried the other arm and got a similar number. It was 160/103. I found my meds, took one as originally prescribed, and sat down to meditated for 25 minutes to calm my heart down.

David talked me into calling the doctor's office. I spoke with her, felt better, and then broke down. Again. And my sweet, strong, amazing fiancé lifted me up. Again.

This so far has been the hardest part for me. The loss of self-reliance, self-sufficiency. I've been on my own for a long time. I moved to NYC 5 months after I turned 18 and have been taking care of myself since then. I'm not saying I did a great job. (Sara once discovered a half eaten moldy birthday cake -not a slice; one half of a whole cake- in the microwave...approximately 3 months after my birthday. Don't ask because I don't know. Maybe I tried to hide it. Maybe I tried to heat it up. I'm also not sure why the microwave sat unused for three months. I have a lot of questions too.) But the point is I was fiercely independent. I did everything myself. This new way of living; asking for help; crying on shoulders; wondering who to call for the latest crisis or favor; this feels needy. It feels dramatic. I feel like a burden. I feel weak.

I hate having to call Nurse Nicole almost every day because now everything scares me. Is a fever normal? How high is too high blood pressure? What about a resting heart rate of 97? Didn't you say the chemo drugs can damage my heart? And then feeling unsure about whether I should be scared or validated when the answer is no, that's not normal.

But we knew it'd be like this. We didn't know what exactly but we knew there'd be twists and turns. And I thought I was ready. I was at a point where I almost would have been disappointed if my hair didn't fall out. Like I was ready for the challenge. I got this. But it was an incredibly optimistic, conditional "Bring it!" More like, "Bring it, if you promise I'll live through it. Bring it, as long as my hair grows back. Bring it, and please let me keep my breast. Bring it, because you'll take it away after it's all over too, right?" But then it gets real. A common cold puts me in the hospital for two days or I run my fingers through my "super cute" new haircut and come out with fistfuls of hair. I back pedal. My confidence wanes a bit. Now I'm afraid to wash what's left of my hair because I'm afraid I'll lose it all, or at least enough that'll require that final shave. And I know. I know it's going to happen soon anyway, but just not yet, please. I'm not going to be ready. I change my mind. That roller coaster rhythm comes chugging back...no no no no no no no no.

People keep telling me I'm brave, but I don't have a choice. I have to scream, "Come at me!" and ignore the what ifs because I don't know what the alternative is. What else is there to do but keep moving forward? Curl up? Mope around sad and droopy? I can't afford to cry that much. Hydration is very important these days. The other day, I called cancer "a bump in the road." An older, much wiser friend replied, "It's a big bump. Don't minimize it." Lesson learned, Week 3. I'm taking it all seriously. I get it. I don't get to call the shots. This isn't going to happen on my terms. So you just bring whatever I have coming. I'll call Nurse Nicole as they pop up, and I'll wear the damn mask. 😷

Three final things:

- I set up a twitter account so I can shout out when a new post is up. There's a link on my contact page.

*I found another great place to send hair called Matter of Trust. These guys are good because they'll take ANY hair- no specific length; grey is fine; processed is fine. They weave it to make a mat or a broom and use those to soak up oil spills and to clean contaminated water. So if you've been wondering what to do with all that unnecessary back hair...just saying...


No one would dare call me out for not washing my hair for 4 days.

Adventures in ER Land

Goooood morning! I'm reporting live from inside of the emergency room. I've been here since Sunday night. It's Tuesday morning. I'm admitted, but they don't have a bed upstairs yet. I need to be isolated so they put me in my own little emergency room. There's a sign on the glass outside that says you have to wear a mask if you're coming in. 😷

I've had a cold since before I even started chemo. They said it was no big deal as long as I didn't get a fever. Well, Sunday night I got a fever of 102.9. I called the on-call doc to ask if I should still come in to get my port. The procedure had been scheduled for 7:30am Monday. The doctor said to come to the emergency room right away.  

David and I got here around 10 Sunday night. My mom immediately hopped in her car and drove up. She was here by 11pm. 

They took blood, chest x-rays, swabs- all kinds of fun stuff. I got some fluids, a blanket antibiotic, and my very own emergency room. Everyone on staff has been so nice. The hospital moves kind of slow, as evidenced by me still chilling in the emergency room, and that has made some things difficult. It's hard to get food. We ordered a salad around 5pm yesterday and it still hasn't shown up. After asking 4 times, my mom gave up, and braved the streets of New York at 9:30pm to find me sustenance. Doctors aren't around as often so it's hard to get seen. They come down to check on me after they finish their rounds upstairs. It's been frustrating but each individual person has been great, so it's hard to get upset. 

David brought a bag of fresh fruit, which is so much better than any hospital food were able to score. 

So we're holding steady. I had high hopes of coming home today, but my fever was back this morning so I'm worried they'll keep me. I'm neutropenic, which just means my white blood count is very low, so my immune system is at risk, hence the masks 😷. They gave me a shot in my stomach that should help boost the little guys. They took blood this morning to check. Fingers crossed! 

Care bear stare! Send me home today! 






-All the hugs

-All the love

-Hearing from old friends  

-No appetite = losing weight = all the old clothes I can wear again!  


I didn't make it into work this week as much as I'd hoped to. Mornings are rough. There are, like, 14 pills I need to take to get to normal, but I can't take them without food. So it's oatmeal and drugs for breakfast (Ha! Just like old times, except replace drugs with whiskey. Nooooo just kidding, mom...I hate oatmeal.) It feels like I eat more pills than food. Some of them are vitamins, so it's not like I'm a walking pharmacy. I just miss pancakes, so I'm whining.  

I'm getting my port put in on Monday. They've been "backed up" but they had a cancellation so they're squeezing me in. I'd love to know how they get backed up on something like that. I guess the cancer business is booming.  

My old college friend came to visit on Thursday. She's been a good friend for a long time. She's one of the first people I met when I moved to NYC 19 years ago. We roomed together for a few semesters. We were roommates in 2 different apartments after we graduated. We even worked at the same company for a little bit. Now she lives in Pennsylvania. She's married to a great man and has two adorable children. It's hard to stay in touch, but lucky for me her company has an office here in the city so I get her all to myself when she has to come for business trips. I'm so happy to have her back in my life. She didn't even know it, but our relationship was a big stepping stone on my way to sobriety. We lost touch for a long time at one point over the years. I remember one day I was in a cab on the way back to the office from a meeting. I was having a bad day, week, month, life. I was definitely hung over. My job was getting really stressful and unmanageable. The relationship I was in felt broken. We had no idea how to fix it but at that point, we'd been together so long, I had no idea how to live without him either. So we just stayed kind of grey and comfortably discontent. So that's where I was- too proud to admit, or possibly even realize, that I was no longer in control of my life, my misery, or my drinking- kinda numb in the back of the cab dully wishing a bus would T-bone us (on the passenger side, so the driver wouldn't get hurt of course. I thought these things through.) and my phone rings. It's my old college friend. She was calling to tell me she had a son and he was three weeks old. I congratulated her and said all the things you're supposed to say and then we hung up.  I put my phone down, looked out the window, and fell to pieces in the back of the car, crying hysterically. This girl is someone I would say is one of my best friends in the world and I was so absent, so self-absorbed, so checked-out that I'd missed her entire pregnancy. My best friend grew a baby, brought him into this world, and I didn't know until three weeks after. I missed the whole thing. What the hell? Where the hell had I been? This isn't me. I wouldn't do that. Except I did do that. I cried for 3 days. I wish I could say that was all I needed to clean up my life, but really it was more fuel for my little self-hatred fire. It was one more seed planted though. I stopped drinking eight months later. Eventually, because of her job, we reconnected and I was able to tell her what she didn't know she did for me, and apologize, and thank her for calling that day when she could have so easily, rightfully written me off. 

So yes, that wonderful, forgiving lady came to visit. Her mother is in the middle of her own cancer treatment so we had lots to talk about. David got to meet her, which is awesome. He hasn't met a lot of my friends and family (or I should say "hadn't" because we've been making an effort to fix that.) Our relationship was pretty "whirlwind" as they say. We started dating in September. He officially moved in in February. We were engaged by July. We'd been friends for about a year and half before that though. So it's not like we were strangers. It was more like a very long first date. Anyway, I love it when everyone gets to meet and they all get along. It was nice to have her here for a little bit. And since she came out to Queens because I wasn't up for going out, I didn't even have to get out of my sweatpants. (See previous post) 

Speaking of the Pro list. Here's one more:  

 -I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about spending a gorgeous Saturday in bed blogging.