The amount of love I felt yesterday was overwhelming. It felt like I had an army behind me. Thank you so much for all of your well wishes, prayers, healing vibes, and long distance hugs.
She only removed 5 lymph nodes and on initial dissection they are cancer free. They will study them for the next week and do cultures to make sure nothing grows, so that we can be positive, but it looks really good.
The rest of the surgery went really well. I'm sitting in my hospital room with my mom and David. I have drains and battery packs literally hanging out of me. It's not too painful, more uncomfortable. They said I can go home later today.
We'll be continuing reconstruction over the next few months. Radiation starts in six weeks, but the worst is over.
Six months ago today I had the biopsy that told us I had cancer. I can fairly confidently say I am now cancer free.
God is good.